The stunt shoot for this video was so much fun + the video earned a Vimeo Staff Pick.
Michael Canitrot
Despite the warnings about shooting with animals, I gotta say I love working with cats.
Yann Tiersen
Ask me what it was like shooting with Andy Dick sometime.
Kavinsky II
They were happy with the first one so they came back for more, this time a fight scene.
The Fray
These guys were super nice, and it was a lot of fun to shoot on the water.
This was part of a series of spots we did at The Directors Bureau Special Projects.Puro Instinct
This was a crazy night, and I love Piper so much.Rooney
Weirdly, Kodak did a magazine article on how we processed the 16mm for this look (?!).True Religion
These were a series of spots piggybacked on a fashion shoot.
Yasmine and I have been good friends since before we were old enough to drink.